GSA Contract Procurement


How GSA Contracts Work

GSA contracts are pre-awarded, pre-negotiated contract vehicles that can dramatically reduce workload for both government and industry. Essentially it is an open business relationship between government entities and industry that provides a product/service catalog with a streamlined set of guidelines. This allows your business to sell your products to the federal government and in most instances dramatically reduce bid delays and administrative processes.

The GSA Advantage system provides online buying capability within one of the most powerful search engines in the world; thus making your products and services readily accessible and visible to the entire federal government, and in some instances state and local governments. A “One-Stop-Shop” for the government, the service reduces time spent scouring for sources, lowers the cost, and reduces the amount of red-tape. It verifies contractors are legally qualified to sell to the federal government while ensuring the lowest price available for goods and services.

There are many methods available to businesses that want to sell their products and services to the federal government. With things like subcontracting, blanket purchase agreements, specific contract set-asides, and customized technological contracts. A company can create a proposal that fits their business need – and, that is where CCMS has the expertise and understanding to of the government procurement processes


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